Tasmanian Canola Meal | Cold Pressed Slow Release Nitrogen

$10.30$28.66 AUD excl gst

Macquarie Oil’s Cold Pressed Canola Meal is a great source of Non GMO Tasmanian Canola meal.

Canola seed meal provides a great source of N (nitrogen). 170 g/m2 of seed meal provides 10 g/m2 of N

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Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients. However, lab tests are not able to measure the amount of nitrogen available over the course of a growing season. Vegetable crops require 10-20 g/m2 of nitrogen, depending on if they are low or high demand. Canola meal has a 6% slower-release nitrogen than bone meal and with a half life around 6 weeks

Blood & bone is 5-8% quick-release nitrogen. This is ideal for early spring and leafy greens. It also has a useful level of phosphorus (3%). It is best not to apply more than 5 g/m2 of N via blood & bone, as this can lead to excessive growth and susceptibility to pests (e.g. aphids)

• In spring, a good combination is 1⁄4 blood and bone, and 3⁄4 canola meal. This works out to 30g/m2 blood and bone and 125 g/m2 seed meal. Add more depending on individual crop demand

Note: If applying as part of an agronomist report avoid blood and bone which has had extra potassium and other minerals added as this will put your soil amendment out of balance

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