NTS Fast Fulvic (ACO) | Liquid Fulvic Acid

$28.97$821.18 AUD excl gst

Fulvic Acid is a powerful organic extract from humates which offers a host of benefits for both the soil and the plant

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Brand Catalogue: Notifications:
  • An 8% fulvic acid liquid possessing a myriad of yield-enhancing qualities
  • Fulvic Acid is a powerful organic extract from humates which offers a host of benefits for both the soil and the plant
  • Use with regenerative growing / soil programs


  • Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input 456AI
  • Convenient liquid formulation
  • Natural chelating agent
  • Increases nutrient uptake
  • Promotes beneficial soil microbes
  • Improves availability of rock minerals
  • Increases crop yield and quality
  • Compatible with a wide range of other inputs


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