Horticultural Fleece

$17.68$426.40 AUD excl gst

Horticultural Fleece is a white, non woven polypropylene fabric designed to be used as a either a Floating Row Cover or Grow Tunnel

  • Aids in protecting plants from insect damage, frost and extreme weather conditions
  • Allows air and moisture to pass through the fabric to the plants and soil below
  • Helps to maintain sufficient soil humidity and increase soil temperature
  • Earlier and extended growing season plus an increase in crop yield
Brand Catalogue:


  • 17gsm is a very light-weight fabric not conducive to high winds and multi-season use. Would be best suited for indoor/microgreens production, very mild frosts. 75% light transmission, 25% shade factor
  • 25gsm can last 2-3 years, good for longer term cover, light to medium frosts, as a floating row cover for unheated winter production in tunnels in colder areas. 70% light transmission, 30% shade factor
  • 50gsm can be used for heavier frosts prefereably without extended day time use in low light regions. 60% light transmission, 40% shade factor
  • 1.6m width covers smaller crops such as baby leaf brassicas e.g. mustards, mizuna, kale etc
  • 3.2m width adequately covers an 800mm wide bed with larger brassicas or other crops including tomatos


  • Crop protection; protects crops and seedlings from insect, birds, frosts, winds and excessive heat
  • Air and moisture penetration; the material insulates the area under the fleece, whilst still allowing air and moisture to pass through. It works as an effective climatic barrier buffering plants and soil from temperature extremes
  • Horticultural Fleece is fully UV stabilized, giving the fleece an extended lifespan
  • Strength; The polypropylene non woven style of manufacture provides excellent resistance to tearing and stretching in both directions. Provided proper application and handling of the fleece, it can be used over several seasons. After its use, it can be processed via traditional recycling systems, leaving no harmful toxins or heavy metal residue after breakdown
  • Organic allowed input – Horticultural fleece is a registered allowed input (452AI) with the Australian Certified Organic Ltd

For southern Tasmania

We stock a range at our southern Tasmanian Store, Here on Earth, for local sales or collection

Local pickup prices contain an added freight element (as it costs us to get it here from our northern Australian supplier)

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