Ducati | F1 Field Capsicum Seed

$17.19$204.47 AUD excl gst

Ducati was selected from extensive trials for its ability to produce quality red fruit while ripening under warm spring and summer conditions. The large blocky fruit average approx 10 x 9cm, and have a smooth skin texture and more rounded shoulder giving excellent presentation in patterned pack or bulk fill boxes. Ducati displays exceptional fruit quality even under difficult winter/spring growing conditions. Ducati has a strong plant type, a striking red colour, exceptional firmness and thick walls. Intermediate resistance to Xcv:1-3 and TSWV.

Key features

  • Field Blocky Red
  • Exceptional fruit quality and excellent pack presentation
  • Strong plant
  • Great colour and quality under warm conditions
  • Resistances – Intermediate resistance: Xcv:1-3, TSWV
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